"Daniel T. Chen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 7 Oct 2001, tp40 wrote:

> > finally, i'd love to see fundamental session management ... just something
> > that will remember what dockapps i had in the slit and what applications
> > were running when i logged off. or at least something that would let the
> > slit remember what was in it at the time i logged out.
> Although I strongly believe that the philosophy of Blackbox is to avoid
> session management by _just_ providing a windowing environment, your FAF
> (frequently asked-fors) have some appeal. I imagine it's relatively simple
> to hack a sh script that would update a file sourced by ~/.xinitrc or
> ~/.xsession.

The problem here is that this does not represent the state of the slit.
Rather, it would just save whatever was started at the beginning (or if
the user had modified the file).  This file does not need any backup.

If the slit wanted to remember what applications it held when Blackbox
shut down, it needs to be serialized on exit and read the configuration
on startup.  This adds I/O as well as some additional functionality in
the code base of the slit.

I personally don't feel this is necessary and would certainly go beyond
what BB aims for.  A separate application that could handle
session-managment for those who like it however, would certainly be neat
(for those who like it).


Jan Schaumann 

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