> > anther wish is a panel/launcher. i think bbbutton would do that, but it's
> > been listed on the bbtools site as a wish for over half a year now, and i
> > have not seen it yet.
> You can stick asbutton or wmmenu or the like in the slit.

i guess i could do that :)

> > finally, i'd love to see fundamental session management ... just something
> > that will remember what dockapps i had in the slit and what applications
> > were running when i logged off. or at least something that would let the
> > slit remember what was in it at the time i logged out.
> Why not just put your regular slit occupants in your .xinitrc or .xsession
> file?  Or do you really change what apps you want in the slit from session
> to session?

well, sometimes i do want to change dockapps often ... i wish slit worked
more like windowmaker dock.

Timofei Piatenko

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