On Fri, Dec14,01 14:11, tps12 wrote:
> On 14 Dec 2001, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
> > Quick search for "virus plural" done on www.google.com.  A few links:
> > 
> > http://www.cknow.com/vtutor/vtplural.htm
> > http://www.dictionary.com/doctor/faq/v/virus.html
> > 
> > Note: I didn't really fault anyone, I simply corrected the statement.
> Ah, good links. I guess I should have prefaced my comments with IANAC
> (classicist). And I should never have assumed that dictionary.com could
> stand in for google, even in cases of word definitions...

Can anything, ever, stand in for google? I don't even use freshmeat anymore,
because google gets me there quicker!


PS: It's also really cool to have a site (my company's) that is in the top
ten search results of certain key(words|phrases). I get alot of weird emails
and such (most recent: people form idiana wanted internet access [we're
based in London, Canada], someone was looking to replace a broken toy bear
for his kid [we're an internet service provider!], then there was also the
voicemail left from indiana.... ), what fun!

Derek Cunningham

"All men by nature desire to know." -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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