On Fri, Dec14,01 13:49, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
> On Fri, 2001-12-14 at 13:29, Derek Cunningham wrote:
> > Can anything, ever, stand in for google? 
> Nope
> > I don't even use freshmeat anymore,
> > because google gets me there quicker!
> May you always walk in the light.
> Jamin W. Collins

I remember my "search" path rather well. First, I used yahoo, because the
yahoos at school said to use it (friends, and teachers). I found it
incredibly frustrating to find information, for a number of reasons, the
first being that it would list _directories_ before sites.

Then, while speaking hanging out with a friend who porported himself to be
some sort of hacker, I noticed him using search.com, so I switched. The
"search these results" feature was incredibly cool, and allowed me some
ability to narrow search results down.

After awhile of using search.com, I somehow (can't remember exactly how)
came across altavista.com, which was a decent search engine.

Finally, I became enlightened, and while at a movie night for our local LUG,
someone mentioned, and in turn loaded, google.com. Not only did it strick me
as the most asthetically pleasing search engine (no ads, no junk, no more
text than was needed), but the other geeks there touted it as being pretty
damn good. I have maintainted my state of enlightment, and expect things to
stay this way. Go Google!


Derek Cunningham

"All men by nature desire to know." -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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