check out xtoolwait!
here's my .xinitrc.  it takes the dockapps a little
longer to start up, but i don't have to fiddle with sleeps, and they always
start in the correct order.

non-slit programs start up immediately, so blackbox and my xterm are up
immediately, so i can be typing while the last couple dockapps come up.


host=`hostname -s`

xhost +
$HOME/progs/perl/xmodmap_kludge ~/.dvorak | xmodmap -
/usr/X11R6/bin/xmodmap -e "keycode 223 = F30" # Sleep key
/usr/X11R6/bin/xmodmap -e "keycode 165 = F33" # calculator key
/usr/X11R6/bin/xmodmap -e "keysym Super_L = Meta_L Super_L"
/usr/X11R6/bin/xmodmap -e "keysym Super_R = Meta_R Super_R"
$HOME/progs/perl/t n _logged in
xrdb $HOME/.Xdefaults
xtoolwait='/usr/X11R6/bin/xtoolwait -timeout 1'
export QT_XFT="true"
if [[ $host == raven ]]; then
  export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/"

# Startup the window manager first
/usr/local/bin/blackbox &
$xtoolwait -mappings 2 bbkeys -t
# Do _not_ put xtoolwait in the background
xtoolwait xterm -j -fa 'nimbus mono' -ls -g 80x24+0-16 -bg black -bd red -cr yellow 
-fg yellow -sb -sl 5000 +ah -name Run

$xtoolwait bbappconf -d
$xtoolwait lavaps

$xtoolwait wmmon
$xtoolwait asmon
$xtoolwait wmfire -L1 -s -B0
if [[ $host == raven ]]; then
  $xtoolwait wmgtemp -s fahrenheit -g block -M 45
$xtoolwait aterm -sh 60 -tr -ls -fn 6x10 -g 10x6 -cr green -fg green +sb -name dockterm
$xtoolwait /usr/local/bin/wmswallow -focus -geom 64x64 dockterm
$xtoolwait wmnet -w -t blue -r red -x 10000000 -l -W eth0
$xtoolwait asclock -theme $HOME/.asclock/Freeamp -d -12 -noblink
$xtoolwait wmMoonClock -lat 33.40133 -lon 111.55625
$xtoolwait wmSun -lat 33.40 -lon 111.556

$xtoolwait $HOME/scripts/keys

if [[ $host == raven ]]; then
  $xtoolwait ssh ocotillo /usr/local/bin/bbmail -w
  $xtoolwait bbmail -w
xset m 20/10 4 s 0 dpms 300 1200 1500

wait $wmpid

On Tue, Apr 02, 2002 at 02:38:40PM -0500, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
> I've only been using blackbox for a few months, but it is certainly my 
> favorite WM in the more than two years I've been using Linux. My only beef 
> with it so far is the slit... and not so much how it looks or works, but how 
> programs are loaded into it.
> I've searched through the archives, and seen the hacks people have done to 
> get dockapps, bbtools, and whatnot to load in a specified order, and to date 
> I have been unable to get 100% compliance on my machine. About 1 in 4 times 
> or more, the apps I load into it come in a randy order.
> I saw somewhere, when I was first trying out blackbox, a little application 
> somebody had written to insure that apps came in in the appropriate order... 
> but since I didn't know what that meant at the time, I ignored it and 
> promptly lost the URL. 
> I've tried hacks like:
>   bbrun &
>   sleep 1 && bbpager &
>   sleep 1 && wmusic &
> etc., but these are not consistent.
> Any _other_ ideas anyone?
> Thanks,
> Matthew

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