On 03/15/2014 08:05 PM, Fernando de Oliveira wrote:
> Em 15-03-2014 14:01, Armin K. escreveu:
>> git server instructions
>> for BLFS. So it might take some time unless someone beats me to it.
> I don't know how you are thinking. This subjects is extremely
> disagreeable for me to discuss. But I have to.
> One thing I do not understand is: systemd wants a BLFS version, because
> of that, BLFS has to change. I have seen gnucash transition from svn to
> git. IIRC, almost one year with both versions, testing. Commits in svn,
> then mapped somehow in git. Many many problems, ghosts branches
> appearing, master disappearing, only later svn was turned off.
> As in CLFS, where there are git for the books and svn for the
> patches, why would not create a git version of LFS-Systemd? This would
> serve as a proof -f concept. Then it would be shown to work ok, and then
> try to create a map from svn to git versions, and when everyting is
> prooed, create the BLFS-systemd git, mapped from aa BLFS-systemd svn,
> this mapped from a BLFS svn, and only when nothing else could be done,
> perhaps, we would need start considering a discussion about alternatives.
>>From a basic logic, before even creating BLFS-systemd, there is no need
> to discuss anything. First create LFS-systemd git, then proof the
> concept, show how things could be done, then go to BLFS-systemd in svn
> and/or git, show the problems you have to maintain it in sync with BLFS,
> and then lets start discussing.
> I am not feeling very comfortable, discussing this, but I have to.
> I curse the day when systemd ate udev inside the monster that it is.
> We are all in peace, a lot of difficulties to get the book updated, and
> then, have to think about this other subject.
> I went to the site that Bruce created. Could do nothing there. It is the
> same felling I have when I need some info from sites using git.

The git server instructions will be there for everyone, not just for LFS
- same way as the svn server instructions. As for BLFS, I already told
that I won't be maintaining BLFS in any way (not even for systemd) even
if it migrated to git.

I have already converted LFS, BLFS, JHALFS (not entire ALFS repository,
it has a bit strange layout), PATCHES and WWW (www2 on lfs server) and
everything is hosted on my laptop. It's accessible from outside, send me
a message off list if you want to check it out.

Note: My last name is not Krejzi.
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