Ken Moffat wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 07, 2013 at 08:51:01PM +0100, Ken Moffat wrote:
>>   Now to install it on the other current LFS systems on that box -
>> looks like I'll probably use it to replace gvolwheel in future,
>   Installed it on all the "still viable" systems on the new box (7.0,
> 7.1, and 7.4x2).  Fine.  Decided I might as well switch over to it
> now.  Went to my third desktop machine, failed to build on LFS-7.3.
>   There is a patch referenced by arch (I couldn't find
> it there, but found a version somewhere else and eventually decided
> it wasn't necessary - on 7.4).  For LFS-7.3 I need that (it does no
> harm in 7.4).  Is it worth putting it in -patches ?  I'm sure that
> it can be achieved with a messy longwinded sed, and for LFS-7.4 it
> doesn't seem to be needed.  Rediffed version (-p1 instead of -p0,
> without the added windoze CRs from the original, and not headed)
> attached for comments.

No problem with adding the patch to the repository, but it should have 
comments that it's for LFS 7.3.

>   And since pnmixer is objectively better than gvolwheel (it has a
> mute toggle, works on the specified default alsa card without any
> special initialization) as well as * subjectively * better (gtk+-2
> :-) should I suggest that I archive gvolwheel from the BOOK in
> favour of pnmixer ?  Or is it so straightforward (building on LFS-7.3
> excepted) and well-known that people will find it for themselves and
> not need any guidance ?

And there is no problem with archiving gvolwheel and adding pnmixer either.

   -- Bruce

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