> m...@pc-networking-services.com wrote:
>> Hello,
>> This is my second attempt to post this here.  I beat the confirmation
>> e-mail by posting to the list and receieve the bounce that it was
>> waiting
>> the list moderators approval and that was on the 5th.
> Generally posts by non-subscribers are deleted without reading.
>> I have also posted this error on the devleopers website on the 3rd of
>> Feb
>> and no responce there either.
>> I really do not know how you can say that compiling java from scratch
>> following EXACTLY the instructions given works on a BLFS build as it
>> clearly does NOT.  Though this is the output from a later version, the
>> at
>> the time book version 2.4.1 gives the same unknow option to s sed error
>> message.
>> I do not know enough about the substitution strings in sed to know if by
>> chaning the / to another character if it would actually in an unknown
>> way
>> create errors down the track if compilation was successful.
> You can change the / to most punctuation marks, but you have to be
> careful with some characters that are interpreted by the shell.  To do
> that enclose in single quotes.  Good characters are pipe (|), at (@),
> semi-colon ";", or colon (:).  You change because you have a slash in
> the pattern or replacement and don't want to make an ugly, hard to read
> sequence with backslashes escaping a lot of characters.
> Others have responded to the rest of your message.
>    -- Bruce
> --
> http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/listinfo/blfs-support
> FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/faq.html
> Unsubscribe: See the above information page


Thank you all for your respnses.  I neede to clarify a few things:

First off, yes I was compiling this as ROOT and yes I know that many say
this is a very bad idea blah blah blah.  My path when compiling this was
set as per stock standard blfs/lfs book.

Even though I am a seasoned linux/unix user this is the first time I have
decided to do things from scratch.

I do know that it was the fifth expression that sed was apparently choking

Before I posted this message I had gone through the compilation stage at
least 4 times deleting all working directories before trying again.  I
even rebooted the machine to make sure that no garbage was in the path's

I made sure that the path was set correctly.

Now with regards to what Bruce has stated.  I WAS able to get it to
compile by replacing that offending / with a % sign.  I still do not know
if by replacing it with a % sign that the actual java installation is as
bug free as it could be.

I tried other characters and in my case it did not like them.  I can not
remember exactly which others I tried as it was a number.

I had to edit that offending Make file to do the changes, which if that is
indeed needed to fix the build on an LFS/BLFS either a patch needs to be
included or perhaps an entry in the user notes or even on the JAVA
installation page needs to be made.

My apologies for the confusion as to stating the developers website.  I
always class the developers website for source code as the one that is the
"official" site, ie in this case iced tea in the url.

I understand that the lfs/blfs community also has developers for the books
and the patches.

I guess I really do need a little confirmation that by replacing the /
with the % sign that I have not broken anything that has yet to be

If someone is willing to rebuild as per the blfs book, ie coming from a
fresh build of lfs to blfs and installing java as per the instructions and
editing that particular Make file and adding the % sign that it is
actually installing properly and not giving a false impression I would
greatly appreciate it.


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