Oh goodness me.
I don't get the credit for this.
It comes from a gentleman in Turkey, who passed it on before.

Sunny Day
Maria Campbell

When the power of love
is stronger than the love of power
then the world will know peace.

On 10/12/2010 4:59 PM, Graham Smith wrote:
Hey well done Maria,

This is something well discussed a while ago, I am really suffering with explorer hanging and although it is early days this seems to have fixed it, hopefully everyone else having problems will see your message, thanks.


From: "Maria Campbell" <lucky1i...@sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 1:34 PM
To: <blind-computing@jaws-users.com>
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Windows Explorer Keeps Hanging

While in Windows Explorer, tab to organize button, down arrow to layout menu, right arrow to open, down arrow to preview pane, and make sure it's unchecked. There's probably a quicker way to do this, but when I did this my problem was solved.

Sunny Day
Maria Campbell

When the power of love
is stronger than the love of power
then the world will know peace.

On 10/12/2010 1:17 PM, Peter Torpey wrote:
Over the past few days, Windows Explorer has been hanging on me.

Typically I'll be browsing for files or trying to open a file and Explorer just hangs. If I close the program, then I am unable to start it for some time (or I get an error). If I wait a bit, Explorer can be started again.

I'm using Windows 7 64-bit.

does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to fix this problem? I've run a complete virus scan and spyware scan of my system and haven't
found any issues.

?thanks for any advice. This is very frustrating.


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