I think once Ian left, they have no idea what to do with themselves. There’s 
only two people left on that team now, I think.

> On May 6, 2018, at 9:30 AM, Justin Jones <atreides...@gmail.com> wrote:
> None of this surprises me, to be honest. All of us who contributed to
> the kickstarter have not received our promised rewards (other than the
> soundtrack). I have asked about the in-game items we were promised and
> have been blown off two different times (not that I actually needed
> the items to complete the game, but that is not the point).
> On 5/6/18, john <jpcarnemo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I can't help you with the digest bit, but can say that the Jaws issue you're
>> facing may in fact be entirely impossible for the development team to
>> resolve.
>> This doesn't mean that I'm condoning their lack of response; if you release
>> a product you should respond to support queries, and if you charge money for
>> it you should have a fixed time window in which you guarantee that response,
>> but it does mean that I would understand if they told you flat out that you
>> cannot use the game with JFW.
>> Adding the option to attempt to use jaws is very easy. Testing it is not,
>> especially if you don't have a copy of the screen reader. It is illegal to
>> use the demo version to test the game, and I fully understand why the
>> developers may have chosen not to spend a thousand dollars just to test it
>> with one title.
>> Its been a while since I've looked at this issue in my projects, but I
>> remember explicitly adding a warning dialog when Jaws was detected, stating
>> that while I'd tried to add support for it, the player should be aware that
>> no guarantees were made and they should use something else for best
>> results.
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "Alex Wallis via Groups.Io" <alexwallis646=googlemail....@groups.io>
>> Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2018 9:02
>> To: <blind-gamers@groups.io>
>> Subject: [blind-gamers] not impressed with support I have received for a
>> heros call
>> Hi all,
>> I just thought I would write to say to anyone who is thinking of buying
>> a heros call I have received no support from the author at all, I have
>> emailed him twice, and tweeted with no reply to any of it.
>> I know I can use sapi and nvda with it, but the point is I don't want
>> to, I know people have made suggestions for work arounds and many will
>> probably say its not a big deal to use nvda or sapi,
>> but the fact is its denying me the choice to use jaws as it is a pain to
>> keep changing screen readers or unload jaws entirely just to play one
>> game, and lets say I want to multi task and play the game while doing
>> other things as well, I am not familiar with a lot of nvda commands as
>> it is very different to jaws.
>> the fact is also, as I am a paying customer I think I should expect some
>> basic support rather than to just be ignored entirely, I mean if the
>> author comes out with another game tomorrow is the lack of support
>> likely to make me think about buying it?
>> also it has worked with jaws in the past as I saw a youtube video with
>> it working with jaws that was posted a while back, and the game detects
>> jaws as people have said I guess maybe its the keyhook or something, the
>> video certainly used eloquence so I assume it was jaws that was used
>> when the video was posted.
>> on a totally different topic, is there a way to make it so that I
>> receive messages sent to the list as part of the digest email? at the
>> moment I have to keep clicking links to view topics when I want to read
>> replies and I would far rather get them bundled in the actual email.
>> many thanks for any help,
>> Alex.
> -- 
> Justin M. Jones, M.A.
> atreides...@gmail.com
> (254) 624-9155
> 701 Ewing St. #509-C, Ft. Wayne IN, 46802

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