Well outofsight hasn't updated his twitter for ages either.

There in fact has been nothing from him for ages now.

Now I doubt they are gone by any means but yeah they are quiet.

On 5/7/2018 1:02 AM, Alex Wallis via Groups.Io wrote:
Hi all,

I just thought I would write to say to anyone who is thinking of buying a heros call I have received no support from the author at all, I have emailed him twice, and tweeted with no reply to any of it.

I know I can use sapi and nvda with it, but the point is I don't want to, I know people have made suggestions for work arounds and many will probably say its not a big deal to use nvda or sapi,

but the fact is its denying me the choice to use jaws as it is a pain to keep changing screen readers or unload jaws entirely just to play one game, and lets say I want to multi task and play the game while doing other things as well, I am not familiar with a lot of nvda commands as it is very different to jaws.

the fact is also, as I am a paying customer I think I should expect some basic support rather than to just be ignored entirely, I mean if the author comes out with another game tomorrow is the lack of support likely to make me think about buying it?

also it has worked with jaws in the past as I saw a youtube video with it working with jaws that was posted a while back, and the game detects jaws as people have said I guess maybe its the keyhook or something, the video certainly used eloquence so I assume it was jaws that was used when the video was posted.

on a totally different topic, is there a way to make it so that I receive messages sent to the list as part of the digest email? at the moment I have to keep clicking links to view topics when I want to read replies and I would far rather get them bundled in the actual email.

many thanks for any help,



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