>I will in fact go and try to collect it tomorrow. I will refuse to
>sign the copyright, asking only that I be allowed to read
>the paper document for 5 minutes and take notes.  I fully expect
>the librarians to refuse this request, in which case an interesting
>stand-off will occur.  I will let you know what happens!

Final update on above.

The issues apparently arise because  I am requesting a  <<copy>> of
the original.  The act of copying negates all the original terms, and
a copy now constitutes a  <<new work>>.  This new work  I
cannot give to anyone else, copy it, scan it etc. It is apparently
protected by a brand new copyright.

BUT: The library has now gotten back to me saying that if I
had requested the  <<original>> instead of a photocopy, all the
above restrictions vanish.  I can do what I want, within  <<fair use>>.
So, they will now send a  4 Kg journal from Boston Spa to  London,
and back again.  Whilst  I have it on loan,  I can do any of the above.

Perhaps we should urge all users of  ILLs (now that real libraries have
all but vanished, this is now most of us) to request the <<original bound
journal volume>>.  Of course, they will get back at us, by forcing us to pay
the full cost of all this transport of paper around the country.

Of course, all this applies to paper.  God knows what they will think of
when the  scanned photocopy is converted to  Acrobat rather than print.

Henry Rzepa.
+44 (020) 7594 5774 (Voice); +44 (0870) 132 3747 (eFax); [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/rzepa/ Dept. Chemistry, Imperial College London, SW7  
2AZ, UK.

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