At 13:58 10/09/2007, Rzepa, Henry wrote:
> >
> >I will in fact go and try to collect it tomorrow. I will refuse to
> >sign the copyright, asking only that I be allowed to read
> >the paper document for 5 minutes and take notes.  I fully expect
> >the librarians to refuse this request, in which case an interesting
> >stand-off will occur.  I will let you know what happens!

You may have seen that I have asked the BL to respond to my concerns 
that it is making things difficult - amplified by the fact that it 
sells my Open Access article for 25 GBP. If it comes down to a 
discussion of facts it may be useful if you can summarize your 
experience coherently rather than trailing through my blog.


>Final update on above.
>The issues apparently arise because  I am requesting a  <<copy>> of
>the original.  The act of copying negates all the original terms, and
>a copy now constitutes a  <<new work>>.  This new work  I
>cannot give to anyone else, copy it, scan it etc. It is apparently
>protected by a brand new copyright.
>BUT: The library has now gotten back to me saying that if I
>had requested the  <<original>> instead of a photocopy, all the
>above restrictions vanish.  I can do what I want, within  <<fair use>>.
>So, they will now send a  4 Kg journal from Boston Spa to  London,
>and back again.  Whilst  I have it on loan,  I can do any of the above.
>Perhaps we should urge all users of  ILLs (now that real libraries have
>all but vanished, this is now most of us) to request the <<original bound
>journal volume>>.  Of course, they will get back at us, by forcing us to pay
>the full cost of all this transport of paper around the country.
>Of course, all this applies to paper.  God knows what they will think of
>when the  scanned photocopy is converted to  Acrobat rather than print.
>Henry Rzepa.
>+44 (020) 7594 5774 (Voice); +44 (0870) 132 3747 (eFax); 
> Dept. Chemistry, Imperial College 
> London, SW7  2AZ, UK.
>(Voracious anti-spam filter in operation for received email.
>If expected reply not received, please phone/fax).

Peter Murray-Rust
Unilever Centre for Molecular Sciences Informatics
University of Cambridge,
Lensfield Road,  Cambridge CB2 1EW, UK

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