Hi Italo,

Italo Vignoli píše v Čt 10. 02. 2022 v 16:31 +0100:

> Yes, but it looks like the discussion is blocked one step before 
> reaching a consensus on this very simple point. If the discussion
> stays 
> as such, I have to say that I don't feel I am represented - as a TDF 
> Member - by any member of the just elected board of directors (of 
> course, those who have expressed their opinions).

This is very sad to hear :-(  I am afraid this is a product of the
unilateral & vigorous presentation of hiring developers as the only way
forward, regardless of what the ecosystem companies have to say.

> > Of course, in case the main intention were for TDF to provide more 
> > business-like services (like an LTS version or creating an
> > impression of 
> > "donate a certain amount of money and your pet bug will be fixed"),
> > I 
> > see very well how that might interfere significantly with the
> > business 
> > model of ecosystem companies.
> Totally agree. But I don't see the issue, as ESC and BoD members
> could 
> easily stop any project before it starts, when there is a potential
> risk 
> of conflict. AFAIK, major development activities are scrutinized by
> both 
> bodies, as they are ranked in order of importance, suggested,
> approved 
> and transformed to tenders, or not considered for tendering.

If assurances like these were part of the proposal, I am sure it would
be much easier to discuss - at least for me personally.  Thank you for
pointing this out!

And also Michael (W.) - thank you for your great summary!

All the best,

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