-----Original Message-----
From: Beman Dawes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 14 August 2003 04:56
To: Boost mailing list; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [boost] boost::filesystem file restrictions

At 06:03 AM 8/14/2003, Walter Landry wrote:

 >I've started using boost::filesystem recently, and I'm mostly very

> Wow! A very happy user. Or at least mostly very happy. That's good news:-)

> Seriously, it is a powerful motivator to get that kind of feedback.

Well, here's another happy user :-)

-- snip --

> I'm curious to hear what others would think of the above scheme.

Oddly enough I had a similar thought halfway through reading your 
mail - by the time I got to your proposal all I could think was "yes".

As for the stack/heap question... I don't believe there is a way to
portably and reliably tell how memory was allocated (please correct me
if I'm wrong - code would be most welcome!).

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