At 04:23 PM 8/15/2003, Peter Dimov wrote:
>Beman Dawes wrote:
>> At 01:40 PM 8/14/2003, Peter Dimov wrote:
>>  >
>>  >I am not sure that it should be the responsibility of the path
>>  class to >enforce some notion of portability. Wouldn't it be more
>>  appropriate to >defer the portability check, if any, to the point
>>  where the path is >actually used in a filesystem operation?
>> That's too late. A real path is often made up of some native elements
>> (which the portability check doesn't apply to) and some portable
>> elements (which the portability check should be applied to).
>> The earlier the error can be detected, the better. Also, a path is
>> only constructed once, but may be use multiple times.
>> That would be easy if we accepted the native platform as the default,
>> and portable cases had to be specially coded. But my interest is in
>> portable semantics as the default.
>I must be missing something. What is a "portable" path useful for? A
>portable path _grammar_ (element sequence separated by '/') is certainly
>useful, it allows me to write portable _code_ that deals with paths.

Yes, to the extent the elements (the names) are portable.

>Portable path _data_ is a different story.

For sure. But we have been talking only about names which are elements of paths and how to string them together via a portable grammar. We haven't been talking about file data content at all.


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