At 12:15 04-10-2002 -0700, Adam Lipscomb wrote:

>Jeroen wrote:
>You have not been paying attention then. I define "anti-Semite"as "a
>person who hates Semites". It should therefore be quite obvious that,
>to me, the word "anti" in "anti-Semite" means "enemy of" or "someone
>who is against".
>I think it is you who have not been paying attention - the proper
>definition of "anti-Semite" has been posted multiple times, with
>numerous clarifications.  Your use of the term is, in regards to the
>specific meaning of the term "anti-Semite", incorrect.

Adam, reread the message you replied to. I was replying to Matt Grimaldi, 
who shared with us what he believed to be my interpretation of the word 
"anti" in "anti-Semite". I showed him that my interpretation of the word 
"anti" differs from what he believed to be my interpretation.

>Do you acknowledge that the Oxford English Dictionary is an
>authoritative source on proper meaning and usage of words in the English

I do not own a copy of the OED, so I cannot make judgments about it being 

>Your apparent confusion regarding the *meaning* of the
>term "anti-Semite" is all I'm trying to straighten

I am not at all confused. Rather, it is quite clear to me that many people 
attribute a certain meaning to the word "anti-Semite" that differs from 
what I believe to be its meaning.

Jeroen "Likud Delenda Est" van Baardwijk

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