At 23:31 05-10-2002 +1000, Ray Ludenia wrote about me:

>Not ONCE has he ever admitted to being wrong about ANYTHING.

Do you know what the problem is with that blanket statement? I need to find 
only *one* message in which I admit to being wrong, in order to prove your 
statement false.

And guess what -- I found that message...   <GRIN>

At 19:02 06-09-2002 +0200, I wrote:
>> > To make it entirely correct, should that not be "thousands of billions
>> > of *grams*"?
>> >
>>You are twice wrong. The SI unit is _kilogram_ not gram. And thousands of
>>kilograms = billions of grams
>I stand corrected on the first part, but not on the second.

Jeroen "Keeper of the Great Brin-L Archive" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:         


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