Erik Reuter wrote:
>On Sat, Nov 02, 2002 at 10:41:57PM -0600, Ronn Blankenship wrote:
>>At 04:28 AM 11/2/02, J. van Baardwijk wrote:
>>>Do you have any idea how arrogant your post sounds?
>>Do you have any idea how arrogant _your_ post sounds?
>Do you have any idea you have any idea how to 
>make a really good chocolate chip cookie?

No, but my wife does.  Every year on the day before Thanksgiving, she and her father 
spend the evening making about a jillion chocolate chip cookies for the holidays.  The 
best part is that I get to sit next to the cooling rack with a large glass of milk 
and, um, weed out the weak and unfit from the herd.  ;-)


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