De : Horn, John [mailto:JHorn@;]
> As Jim said earlier, wouldn't that make it next to impossible to get
> anything done on the UNSC?  I can't imagine almost any even remotely
> controversial proposal not being vetoed by one of that group?

That's the way the UN is now.  Everyone wants the UN to work, as
long as it doesn't meddele in one's business.  When the UN was
created a lot of effort was put in finding ways to prevent the UN
to meddle in the major powers' business.  

Since the same state of mind prevails today, not only will we not
be able to get the UN to work properly, we will not be able to 
replace it with anything better.  Just look at how the US has 
reacted to the International Court.  Americans, like others that
don't make it in the papers as often (mostly because for the others
it just figures that they wouldn't go along), will not under any
circumstance let go an ounce of their sovereignty.

Canadians, on the other hand, have little sovereignty to begin
with, so they are usually at the forefront when it comes to
promoting supranational organisms. 

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