Alberto wrote:
> Jeroen's behavious was no different than any other 
> listmember, except for magnitude or intensity. 
> If there's no law against drinking alchool, then 
> there's no law against getting drunk 

That's true, but, at least in the US, there are laws
against being drunk & disorderly in public, and
against driving while drunk.  There are laws against
creating a public nuisance, as well.

Look at it this way:  You're at a bar having a few
drinks.  You get drunk, which is perfectly legal (and
in some degree expected), but then you get abusive,
calling the waitress names when she refuses to serve
you any more drinks.  When the bar manager comes to
talk to you about it, you insult him and threaten to
sue him.  The bar owner then has you "escorted"
outside the premises by the thick-necked man named
"Bruiser".  Once outside, you continue to scream abuse
at the owner, staff and patrons of the bar, going so
far as to try to jimmy open the window of the men's
toilet to slip in that way.  

Are you arguing that you've done nothing wrong, and
should be allowed back into the bar to continue

This is stretching the analogy, of course, since
Jeroen is not (as far as we know) under the influence
of alcohol.  He seems to be in full control of his
actions, so he doesn't have the minimal defense of
being under the influence of alcohol.  

I don't support a permanent ban, either, but I do
support efforts to minimize the disruption of abusive
behavior onlist.

Adam C. Lipscomb

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