From: "Dan Minette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Admin: Server access blocked
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 11:52:47 -0600

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alberto Monteiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: Admin: Server access blocked

> Dan Minette wrote:
> >
> >> Why was he suspended in the first place? AFAIK,
> >> it was for some reason that *did* have a precedent
> >> before, from other people.
> >
> > Who else has repeatedly posted offline email in its entireity?
> >
> Jeroen.
> And wtf does the list have to worry about something that's
> done offlist?

Because the offline email was posted on list.
They were also posted on, which was the list's website. They were also sent to multiple listmembers offlist because they couldn't be posted here.

> > Who else has repeatedly reacted to someone failing to
> > respond to email by personally insulting said person?
> >
> Jeroen.

> > Who else has repeatedly called for the permanant ouster
> > of another list member because they either didn't
> > respond to posts or responded offlist?
> >
> Jeroen.
> So, the rule is: if X requests that Y should be banned,
> then X must be banned?

No.  The banning has nothing to do with that.  The banning has to do with
actions taken after moderation was started.  Personally, if Jerone actually
did try to hack Nick's computers, then a  ban until he demonstrates that he
has changed enough so that the probability of another hack is miniscular is
most reasonable.  If he actually did something less, like cut and paste
"respond to", then a simple promise to not send repeated messages to be
moderated over and over again, costing Nick and Julia a lot of time, sounds
OK to me.
Also, his address has been blocked, but that's because an attack was registered from that isp on the mccmedia server, not as a result of the original reasons he was being moderated (if I understand things correctly). Unless I'm mistaken, Jeroen still has the ability to post to brin-l from his work address at, or any other address he chooses to subscribe from. I believe he would also be moderated if he posts from another address?

> Jeroen's behavious was no different than any other
> listmember, except for magnitude or intensity.
> If there's no law against drinking alchool, then
> there's no law against getting drunk

Can you come up with a cite where another member has suggested that someone
kill themselves?  Has anyone else put up a wall of shame?  Has anyone else
deliberately posted private email?

Jeroen only threatened to put up a Brin-L wall of shame. AFAIK, he never did, unless I missed something.

Offlist e-mail also isn't the only private thing Jeroen has posted to the list within the past few months. He also posted the entire Brin-L subscriber list, with names and e-mails. This is not something any Brinneller could have done.

No other Brinneller could have posted threats to John, Juilia and Nick on Yes, they could have posted threats on their own websites, but not the "official" list site.


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