Alberto Monteiro wrote:
> Dan Minette wrote:
> >
> >> Why was he suspended in the first place? AFAIK,
> >> it was for some reason that *did* have a precedent
> >> before, from other people.
> >
> > Who else has repeatedly posted offline email in its entireity?
> >
> Jeroen.
> And wtf does the list have to worry about something that's
> done offlist?

Well, if he'd kept the off-list discussion off-list, it probably
wouldn't have gotten to the point where anyone would even *consider*
moderation in the first place. 
> > Who else has repeatedly reacted to someone failing to
> > respond to email by personally insulting said person?
> >
> Jeroen.
> So, it's in the list rules that offending someone else
> is forbidden?

No, insulting someone repeatedly is frowned upon.  The "repeated" is
crucial to the whole thing.  If someone wants to get their panties in a
wad because of some of the stuff I posted about NFP bothers them, that's
their problem, but if I repeatedly call someone "stupid" because I don't
agree with their position, then I deserve some sort of "time-out" until
I can show a little more respect for people I disagree with.
> > Who else has repeatedly called for the permanant ouster
> > of another list member because they either didn't
> > respond to posts or responded offlist?
> >
> Jeroen.
> So, the rule is: if X requests that Y should be banned,
> then X must be banned?

No, but harping on the subject for a number of weeks and singling out a
particular individual for this treatment is pretty rude, especially when
a number of people have requested it not be done any more.
> > And, that was just the short period leading up to
> > moderation.  If you really want to make a case for
> > person X behaving no differently than
> > persons A-W, yet being singled out, then I think you
> > really have an uphill battle.
> >
> Jeroen's behavious was no different than any other
> listmember, except for magnitude or intensity.
> If there's no law against drinking alchool, then
> there's no law against getting drunk

There's no law against drinking alcohol, but there are laws regarding
what you may and may not do beyond a certain point of intoxication.  If
you want to get so drunk you fall down, that's fine, just don't get
behind the wheel of a car shortly before passing out from the alcohol.

If A post an insult to B maybe twice a year, that can be tolerated.  A
posting an insult to B five times a day and making more aggressive
demands than mere insult will not be tolerated here.

And if it had *only* been the insulting, I would have protested the
original request at moderation.  It was the more aggressive behavior
that lost Jeroen a potential ally among the admins.  (And if it had only
been the insults, I bet John would not have made as strong a case to the


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