At 10:02 AM 12/9/02 -0600, Julia Thompson wrote:

Actually, there's a trend moving more and more towards whiteboards and
markers, I think.

It may be a trend¹, but some of the classrooms I teach in have "black" boards (or green ones or even brown ones), whereas others have whiteboards. Which means I get to haul around boxes of both colored chalk and markers for school . . . plus markers for overhead transparencies (eventually, I hope to get enough of the charts and figures and such on CD-ROM that I don't have to rely on the overhead so much, but it's a slow process: I have several GB of stuff on this machine to get sorted, labelled, and burned into CD-ROM for that purpose, and of course there's always something new to add, like the latest photos from some current space mission . . . )

(¹And in a "trend" I hope someone nips in the bud, the science labs in a new building built only a couple of years ago have *no* boards or other writing surfaces of any color or type, meaning that when any of us has a class in there, we have to haul in an easel with either a portable chalkboard (a heavy item to haul up to the third floor, where said labs are located) and chalk or one of those big pads or paper (expensive to use) and _chart_ markers . . . )

The board in the math classroom I spent the most time in in my high
school was green.  The ones I remember at UT were black.  I think I
remember reading that you could make a blackboard by taking a regular
ol' board and buying special blackboard paint and painting the board
with it.

You can also buy rolls of Con-tact™ paper-like stuff that you can stick to a board, wall, etc., to turn it into a whiteboard.

--Ronn! :)

I always knew that I would see the first man on the Moon.
I never dreamed that I would see the last.
--Dr. Jerry Pournelle


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