From: William T Goodall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Putting an infinite number of monkeys at an infinite number of keyboards
will _not_ result in the greatest work of all time. Just look at Windows.

I'd say that says more about M$Windows programmers than it does about monkeys. Totally different animal. :-)

</mini rant/>
Although I have to say that I completely *loathe* OS X. Installed 'Jaguar' on my G4 dual processor at work along with a host of newly X-compliant apps and have never, ever seen so many application crashes. Adobe, Apple, AOL, Claris, Microsoft, Intuit... it's no longer limited to a single manufacturer or to a single behavior. Arrgh! My WinXP machine at home never crashes this much and it's put through much more demanding paces than this machine.
</mini rant/>

Next step is to reinitialize the hard drive, install new partitions and start from scratch. :-(

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