Doug Pensinger wrote:

> You guys sound like a tryst of old men sitting around a pickle barrel
> thinking of ways to injure skateboarders.  Do you know anyone that
> commutes on mass transit that has to wait 10-15 minutes for a bus to
> take them the last mile or two?  Do you know any older people that have
> trouble getting around and are thus limited as to where they can go?  Do
> you know anyone that lives less than five miles from work and drives a
> behemoth vehicle that can seat eight and gets 15 mpg or less?  Or are
> you just afraid of new tech?

Not afraid of new tech, just what happens with new tech when most of the
early adopters are a**holes.

(And another post in this thread got me dangerously close to the rant
about letting first-class passengers board a plane at the same time the
disabled are boarding.)


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