Marvin Long, Jr. wrote:

way doesn't strike me as the obvious choice.
Now, maybe the Segway will be rare enough and nimble enough that it
doesn't cause many problems. And I can see that it might be very useful
on, say, a corporate campus or in a large warehouse or on a lightly
trafficked sidewalk. (But back when I worked inventory in a large
warehouse, my little used bicycle did a very fine job for me). The technology is certainly cool...but as others have said, the only people I can imagine using it at this point are the rude-driving, cell-phone yakking, SUV set.

You all may be right, at least at first. We all know that rich people get to play with new kinds of toys first, that's nothing new. Also I didn't realize that they were that heavy - I thought that they had advertised that it could be lifted easily into the trunk of a car.
In any case, any technology that offers an alternative to something as inefficient as the automobile should be given a chance to succeed. Bikes are cool, I use mine to commute regularly to and from the train, but there is a huge segment of the population that will never get on a bike for one reason or another. Perhaps this offers an alternative that those people would use. And maybe a fuel cell version of the thing would be lighter? And perhaps there will be a version that will allow people to sit rather than stand.

The future's so bright, I've got to wear shades. 8^)


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