On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, The Fool wrote:

> The Themes developed in TMP were not related to TOS.  

Really?  They sound like it to me.  STII uses TOS themes, sometimes
whole, in a more obvious manner IIRC.  But TMP's soundtrack does, it seems
to me, allude to them and adapt them in nifty little ways that are not 
immediately obvious.

> And Next Generation ripped them off.  And did them to death.

That's certainly true...but it's not the original soundtrack's fault.

> Whereas in STII:TWoK, The themes are actually from TOS, and superior in
> many ways.  The Music fits the movie perfectly without being cut (unlike
> every single star wars movie).

I'd have to listen to STII more carefully to do a comparison, but ST:TMP 
does a superb job of fitting music to action, IMO.  IIRC for the most part 
its cues play pretty much from beginning to end in the course of the film 
with very little cutting if any (much better than Star Wars in this 
respect, I agree).  The re-editing of the expanded version and the 
re-contracted version of the movie might have changed this, though.

Marvin Long
Austin, Texas
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Poindexter & Ashcroft, LLP (Formerly the USA)



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