JJ wrote:
I also thought I was the only person alive left that really liked ST:TMP as well. It was the only Trek film that boasted Gene Rodenberry's work as ExecProducer, and you can tell it has his "touch", right? This was a real scifi thriller which transpires a great sense of wonder and discovery. Too bad it went unappreciated. I think the latest release of the movie in DVD with the special fx re-shot did the movie justice.
Did you read Roddenberry's novelization of ST:TMP? (Some say it was ghost-written by Alan Dean Foster.) It's great science fiction, although it doesn't really feel like a Trek novel. It includes such things as a mental implant in all Star Fleet officers above a certain rank that is capable of transmitting images and sounds directly into the brain of that officer. This is the device used to summon Kirk to Starfleet Command early in the book.

The book also goes into detail about the woman who became Kirk's wife (and "surrogate Enterprise") after the end of the 5-year mission and the identities of the two folks killed in the transporter accident. It includes a lot of Kirk's internal monologue as he debates the actions that he seems to take somewhat non-chalantly in the movie. There's more detail about what McCoy, Spock, Chapel, and some of the others did after the end of their original 5 year mission.

Overall, I liked the book much better than the movie. I thought the movie was good, but it didn't really feel like Star Trek to me (of course, I first saw it when I was 10 or 11, so what do I know :-). I feel the same about the book, only moreso; it's a great book, but would have brought some pretty drastic changes into the Star Trek continuity, and doesn't seem to match the character of what came before or after.

Of course, that's all as seen through the haze of about 15 years since I last read it...

Reggie Bautista

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