At 07:26 2003-07-24 -0400, John D Giorgis posted a text containing the following:
Gay marriage would cut the final cord that ties marriage to the well-being of children. It is a step we should not take. Our cultural forgetting of the meaning of marriage has already had too many sad consequences for children and adults (not least for their moral development).

This is only true if being gay is considered immoral. If gays have the same moral values as the rest of the population, then they are as apt to be parents as the rest of the population. Although gays cannot reproduce, they can adopt, if they live in a region where they are not considered immoral. This means that gays couples can be the foundation for a family and meet most opponents' requirement for marriage.

I do agree that the laws permitting or restricting marriage should be
passed by elected officials rather than appointed ones.  However, the
courts have there part to play.  With such thorny issues, legislators
have the bad habit of looking the other way and ignoring them.  Ontario's
courts have made a decision that has prompted the federal governement to
write and pass a bill on the issue.



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