Steve Sloan II wrote:
> Julia Thompson wrote:
>  > I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I
>  > stopped getting leg cramps when I upped my calcium
>  > consumption.  (I'm supposed to get at least 180% of the
>  > US recommended daily allowance of calcium each day.)
> So, based on simple math, each baby consumes roughly 40% of
> the adult RDA of calcium... give or take whatever Sammy gets
> from milk. :-)

Sammy was weaned before I got pregnant.  :)  He's getting his calcium
from yogurt.  Doesn't like to drink milk, doesn't really like to drink
juice, sucks down water at a terrific rate.  (Keeps stains on the
carpets down to a minimum, at least....)

I'm not sure just how much calicum the babies are actually consuming,
but dumping more into the system than is necessary and letting various
systems filter it out seems to work.  I just have to be sure to drink
enough *water*, as well.

The Big 3 nutrients I was told to concentrate on making sure I got
enough of are protein, calcium and iron.  I try to have a reasonably
balanced diet on top of that, and get at least one non-juice serving of
fruit every day, and some veggies, as well.  And the babies *are*
growing.  (The measurements from last week's ultrasound had them around
or above the 90th percentile for weight for a twin of the appropriate
gestation age, so we may be looking at big twins when they arrive....)


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