--- Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 7:04 PM
> Subject: Re: Most Dangerous States
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 6:00 PM
> > Subject: Re: Most Dangerous States
> >
> >
> > > > The molehill is not 100% fatal. Many people are shot each year and
> > survive.
> > > >
> > >
> > > And many more don't. Your chances of surviving are extremely greater if
> > you
> > > don't get shot at all.
> > >
> >
> > Sure, and you don't die in traffic accidents if you don't hit others
> cars.
> > But more people are killed by cars every year than by firearms.
> And, many more people lose money in traffic accidents than from crimes
> every year.  So, maybe we worry to much about crime in general.
> The real question is the relative merit of stopping crimes by arming
> oneself with a gun in the nightstand vs. the demerits of that action.
> Indeed, if you talk about assaults, both physical and sexual, one is much
> much more likely to be assaulted by a family member or a friend of the
> family than by a stranger.  Incest is far far more prevalent than sexual
> assaults by strangers assaulting a woman on the street; and is
> overwhelmingly more likely than someone breaking into a house to rape a
> woman.
> I realize that folks talk about these folks being monsters and needing to
> seriously punish them.  But, if the numbers used by people working with
> victims and survivors are right, roughly 1 in 20 men (maybe 1 in 25) are
> pedophiles.  

I would have to strongly disagree with this. This is sexist feminist crap!
Even if you run off and get stats for this you will have to show what the
definition is.

Do 1 in 20 hetero males find 17 year old females attractive? I would argue
the number is much higher than just 1 in 20.

What about 18 year old males who find 14 year old females attractive?

Are these people pedifiles? Where do you draw the lines?

If we are talking about post pubecent males who find pre-pubesent females
attractive, I seriously doubt the numbers would be high enough to make enven
a percentage.

If we further restrict it to only those who act on it then we would have even
lower numbers.

It is certain that pedifiles exist and they certainly have serious problems
that society needs to find a solution for. But to sugest that so many men are
like that is sexist IMO. 

               Jan William Coffey

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