> > ...sure doesn't look very impressive to me.  His post season ERA has to 
> > be up around 5 somewhere, he's too whimpy to pitch on 3 days rest, and 
> > his sportsmanship is questionable to boot.
> >
> > I was a Red Sox fan and a Yankee hater for most of my youth and into my 
> > adulthood, but I'm rooting for these jerkoffs to loose.
> >
> > Go Cubs...
> >
>So I was in Scottsdale speaking at a Radiology meeting for game 7 and have not had a 
>chance to talk about the game. Almost had a heart attack of course but in the end it 
>worked out so well. Pedro coming through in the end (oh wait he blew for his team). 
>Pedro telling his manager that he had given his all and that being a great team 
>player he knew it was time for the bullpen to mop up (oh wait Pedro let his ego get 
>the best of him; how out of character). I don't want to get into this arguement again 
>(well sure I do) but Sandy Kofax won those games. He went nine (or 10 or 11) 
>sometimes on two days rest. And he won. The greatest pitcher ever has to win or take 
>himself out when he can't. Pedro, Pedro, Pedro

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