----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Doug Pensinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2003 11:41 PM
Subject: Re: Pedro...

>   Jim Sharkey wrote:
> > Easy to say when the guy who looks roughly like a bulldog isn't charging
> > at you in the middle of a general melee.  Sorry, Jon, but as far as I'm
> > concerned Zim is lucky he didn't get worse.
> >
> > Not a popular opinion, true, but I don't care what age you are.  When
> > you charge at someone with the intent of putting your hands on him, you
> > lose the senior citizen's protection card.
> I think he should have stuck out his hand, grabbing that bald head in a
> forkball grip and allowed him to flail away - fists windmilling just out
> of reach of his own head.

Doug, that only works when the other person is *smaller* than you.

Feigned Seriousness Maru


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