At 07:23 PM 11/14/2003 -0800 Doug Pensinger wrote:
>> I have no trouble with anyone deciding to killfile someone, ignore their
>> posts, etc.  That's perfectly reasonable.  But, its funny that even the
>> religious people expect that they should take regular insults with good
>> grace, while less insulting things written by JDG are the grounds for
>> righteous indignation.
>This is one of the most ill considered posts I've ever seen you post, 
>Dan.  I have no idea what religion or conservatism have to do with it.  I 
>do know that JDG has referenced Hilter in _several_ posts - is there a 
>greater insult than that?  Have I ever begun a post "Look, punk..."?

First, I do not think that merely "referencing" Hitler is an insult.   In
today's society, there is very little agreement on the definition of
"evil," so much so that many people believe that "evil" hardly or even
never exists in the world.   The one excpetion to that is that Hitler is a
nearly universally-accepted example of evil, so if one wishes to discuss
evil in the world of today, Hitler makes a good reference.

Secondly, I have begun a post once "Look, punk"....   IIRC, I meant that
phrase to be a bit more humorous, in an albeit dark way,  than it ended up
sounding.... but nevertheless, I should not have I done it, and I apologize
for that.

Nevertheless, among the things I have not done is hold a grudge for years,
and refused all attempts at an apology since then.    

Then again, maybe none of us are perfect.



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