Damon Agretto wrote:


> I STRONGLY reccommend Dune; its probably my #1 fave SF
> book of all time! If you decide to go with it, I'd
> also reccommend Dune Messiah, which I found to be a
> page turner. Some of the later books are not as good,
> but worth reading if you really like the first two...


Concur with Damon almost.  While not my #1 favorite, it is clearly in my Top
10 SF books.  IIRC, the last two times Locus Magazine has run its top SF of
all time list, "Dune" has finished #1 both times.  ("The Lord of the Rings"
took the fantasy top spot).

Below comments are IMO,

"Dune"                                Excellent, a must read
"Dune Messiah"                  Not as good, but okay.
"Children of Dune"              Better
"God Emperor of Dune"      Okay, but a hard read--much, much dialog and
ponitification by the worm emperor.
"Heretics of Dune"              Not bad
"Chapterhouse Dune"          Just got it in a recent Amazon shipment--in my
"to read" stack.

George A


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