William T Goodall wrote:

> I recently acquired a bunch of old Astounding/Analog and other sf mags
> from the late 50's and early 60's for next to nothing from a small-town
> used book store. Somebody died and their collection got bought for
> pennies. One of them was the Astounding that had the first part of the
> serialisation of the first part of _Dune_. I think it had a Bonestell
> cover. Of course, I can't lay my hands on it now...[1]
> [1] What women call 'tidying up your office' men call 'losing stuff'.

That's kind of sexist.

In our household, it's the other way 'round.  >:)


now, the kitchen, that's another story -- but Dan knows where things go,
it's occasionally a problem when his mom or the nanny doesn't ask where
something goes and just assumes incorrectly

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