On 13 Dec 2003, at 3:24 am, Julia Thompson wrote:

William T Goodall wrote:

I recently acquired a bunch of old Astounding/Analog and other sf mags
from the late 50's and early 60's for next to nothing from a small-town
used book store. Somebody died and their collection got bought for
pennies. One of them was the Astounding that had the first part of the
serialisation of the first part of _Dune_. I think it had a Bonestell
cover. Of course, I can't lay my hands on it now...[1]

[1] What women call 'tidying up your office' men call 'losing stuff'.

That's kind of sexist.

Not if it's generally true. My mom put away some xmas cards a couple of years ago and they still haven't been found. My nephew was staying over a couple of weeks ago at my parents so my mum put away his xmas present. Took two days to find it after he left....

My dad finally found it...

In our household, it's the other way 'round. >:)

That doesn't surprise me :)

William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

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