Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Outlandish but exceedingly fun.
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 14:38:42 -0800

There was a Star Trek TNG book that explained the cigar shaped planet killer
in the original series, as being a sentient Borg Killer robot - a million of
them would be handy....

Or does the initial requirements of thie thread require that a species fall
within a strict carbon-based biological basis? The Borg Killer was searching
for its mate. Does this count?

Nerd From Hell

The book is titled "Vendetta". The planet killer encountered in TOS was an automated prototype of the one encountered in "Vendetta". The purpose of the planet killer was to essentially fight the borg. And you know it's funny, because last night me and a friend were discussing that book. Initially we were thinking that the planet killer was created by the Preservers. But taking into account the relative age of the Borg, and the estimated age of the Preservers themselves, it is quite an impossibility that it was created by them. Especially when considering that the Preservers either transcended (a cliche that bothers me) or moved on to another Galaxy, OR perhaps moved on to extra-dimensional wanderings, hundreds of millions if not billions of years before the Borg even thought of those big nasty cubes.....

Besides, the planet killer wasn't as advanced as authentic Preserver technology, which for all intents and purposes is undectable, either by energy signatures etc...

Anyway, the agreed upon plausibility was that the race that was wiped out by the Borg, and that Guinan is a member of, were the architects of the planet killer. We know for a fact that Guinan was on Earth (I think it was the 1800's??) which makes her a minimum of 400 years old. An individual of a species who lives that long, implies advanced biological evolution, which in turn implies advanced age of that species, which also implies advanced technological capacity. A notion that is backed up in the movie "Generations", when that crazy scientist (who is also a member of that doomed race) knows how to cause a star to go nova, which subsequently changes the course of an unpredictable spacial anomoly (the Nexus). Also, the planet killer seems to be somewhat of a last ditch effort, to create something so powerful as to be impervious to the Borg and just about anything else (it had a neutronium hull).

One more thing about the planet killer. It wasn't a robot, and it wasn't sentient per se. Although it did have the collective consciousness of the species who created it embedded into the ship itself, it still needed someone to "captain the ship" so to speak.

As for my original thoughts in this thread, I have made a descision. I would pick the Jem'Hadar. Too many reasons to get into here, but they far exceeded the positive attributes of the other two candidates.

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