Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Outlandish but exceedingly fun.
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 12:20:53 -0800

IIRC, The planet killer came from beyond this galaxy border, passing through
Great Barrier, did it not?

Yes. However it was established in the book, that it was built outside the Galactic rim to essentially hide it. When it was ready for action, the plan was to take it into the Galaxy and FIGHT. And of course, after much consideration the most plausible scenario is that Guinan's people built it.

If we limit the selections to Star Trek aliens, I would not have made the
choice of Jem' Hadar, largely because in the show, they always seemed to
lose, often because of their dependency to the "white" (is this correct?) or
they were outsmarted.

Well, yes. They do have a "built in" addiction to the ketracel white (a tactic of the Founders to keep them completely loyal) but I don't think that's the reason the Dominion lost the war for the Alpha quadrant, so much as it was the fact that the Federatioin/Klingons/Romulans kicked their collective butt.

In the ST realm, there was the salt-sucking doppleganger, The Horta (my favorite), Khan's legion of supermen, the Borg (of course), Data and Lor, the lizardman Kirk fought (I think it was "Arena" episode or something like that), and many others...

I wasn't completely limiting myself to the Star Trek realm (Note my use of Jaffa from Stargate). However the fact that two of my prime choices were from Star Trek simply reflects my stipulations. I was using ONLY biological species (no cyborgs<Borg>, and no artificial lifeforms<robots/androids/Data & Lor>). I was also limiting myself to believeable and not too outlandish species (note my omissions of species such as the Q). Besides, using the likes of Kahn's supermen or the "lizardman/men" (Gorn) presented too many problems. I factored MANY things into my final decision.

Moving to the SW realm, how about a million Jedi?

Again too outlandish.

Heinlein's world - Starship Troopers... Of course...

Too outlandish

Harry Harrison - Any citizen from Deathworld...


Anyway, seeing as how I've made my mind up about the Jem'Hadar, would anyone care to move on?

Lets take a look at starships. I'll just throw a couple into the mix to start things off.

-A Borg cube (standard)
-A Goauld mothership (Stargate)


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