From: "Travis Edmunds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Anyway, seeing as how I've made my mind up about the Jem'Hadar, would
> care to move on?

I still think Scarans are superior.  They may be a bit slow, but they are
stronger and practically bullet-proof.

> Lets take a look at starships. I'll just throw a couple into the mix to
> start things off.
> -A Borg cube (standard)
>              vs
> -A Goauld mothership (Stargate)
> Discuss......

Assuming that the G'ould mothership had the latest (in the SG-1 series) in
shield and weapon technology, I would say it would win the battle against
the Borg Cube unless the Borg Cube was actually piloted by Borg.  Star Trek:
TNG early Borg episodes demonstrated that the power of the Borg ship in
regeneration and defenses/adaptability relies on the actions of the Borg
crew working as a coordinated unit.  If the Borg are piloting the Borg Cube,
the G'ould Mothership wouldn't stand a chance IMO.

Personally though, I would choose a Leviathan gunship equiped with a
peacekeeper defence field.  High weapon power, self-repairing (as long as
damage isn't too extensive), and can escape quickly if the situation calls
for it.

If I had to pick from Star Trek though, I would pick Tinman.  Now *that* was
a powerful ship.

If you think Tinman and a Leviathan gunship are too outlandish, how about
the Scimitar from Star Trek: Nemesis?  It took two Romulan Warbirds and the
Enterprise E just to cripple the ship (and the battle resulted in the
Romulan Warbirds and the Enterprise E being even more crippled than the
Scimitar, only an internal attack on the Scimitar resulted in its

Michael Harney


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