"Ronn!Blankenship" wrote:
> At 05:54 PM 12/22/03, Julia Thompson wrote:
> >"Ronn!Blankenship" wrote:
> > >
> > > At 10:54 AM 12/22/03, Julia Thompson wrote:
> > > >Sonja van Baardwijk wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Personally I have noticed that my sensitivity to smoke has been heavily
> > > > > increased the less I'm exposed to it. Nothing psychosomatic about it.
> > > >
> > > >There was one year that I managed to increase my tolerance for smoke,
> > > >and that was done by longer and longer exposures to people smoking.  My
> > > >body just got used to it.  I wasn't happy about it, but I could stand
> > > >it.
> > > >
> > > >(This led to weird things like the time I washed my hair in a sink at
> > > >2AM and to dry it before I went to sleep, spent awhile combing it out
> > > >right next to a radiator....)
> > >
> > > Hadn't blow dryers been invented then?
> >
> >Yes.  And given the damage my hair took when I was about 7-10 years old
> >from using one on a regular basis, I wasn't interested in using one.
> When you did use one, did you turn the stereo up loud enough to listen to
> it while you dried your hair . . . and incidentally allow everyone within
> several hundred feet to also listen to it?  (I would be visiting a girl's
> apartment in college and one of her roommates would be drying her hair
> while listening to the stereo, making conversation difficult in the living
> room . . . )

I don't think I've used one since sometime in high school, and I never
used one at the same time I was trying to listen to music.  I think
maybe at some point, my mom used one on me in the den where the TV was,
but if the TV was on, the volume wasn't turned up for *my* benefit. 
(Might have been turned up a bit for someone else's benefit.)
> >Plus which, I didn't have one, and at 2AM I didn't feel like going to
> >someone else's room to wake them up and ask if they'd brought one.  :)
> I finally found a hairstyle that will dry naturally rather than having to
> be blow-dried very carefully to keep the wave at least somewhat under
> control.  Of course, it does not meet Air Force or BYU standards . . .

I think the last time I used a blow dryer, it had something to do with
having used mousse to get my hair to stay in place.  I only used that on
special occasions, though.  Now I use hairspray for the purpose, and
that at most 4 times a year.
> Cats Don't Like To Be Blow-Dried After Their Bath Maru

Briana doesn't seem to mind at the groomer's, and we don't bother with
that here.  :)


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