"Ronn!Blankenship" wrote:

> And FWIW, like Julia, different types of smoke do cause different levels of
> reaction.  Like her, pipe smoke doesn't bother me as much as cigarette
> smoke.  And I suppose it is indeed possible that different brands of
> cigarettes do cause different levels of irritation:  generally when those
> symptoms start, all I can think about is getting out of there to some fresh
> air, not asking the smoker(s) what brand they are smoking . . . especially
> because sometimes¹ when you tell someone that their smoke is making you
> ill, their response is to take a big draw on the cigarette and then blow
> that smoke directly in your face . . .
> _____
> ¹Not always.  But sometimes.

How rude!

I know about brand differences because a) I got into the habit of
looking at the pack as soon as it was pulled out, and then noting the
smoke *after* I got the brand name (and I could get really good at
identifying Marlboros from 20 feet away at one point!), and b) the
Camels were smoked by co-workers and in that case I noticed it was less
of a problem *after* they'd lit up, and they were nice enough not to be
obnoxious with their smoke, but just answer the question "Which brand is
that you're smoking?"

Of course, in the case of the co-workers who smoked Camels, I was in
charge of payroll, so they didn't want to piss me off.  :)


but that doesn't explain why Ian wasn't obnoxious, unless maybe he just
wasn't inclined to be obnoxious in that manner (he was certainly
obnoxious to me in other, more easily handled ways)

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