----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ronn!Blankenship" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: Scouted: Environmentalism is Evil and Must Be Destroyed

At 12:12 PM 12/21/03, Robert Seeberger wrote:

>>I used to suffer seasonally from hay fever so bad that my face would swell
>>and I had terrible headaches.
>>The funny thing is, when I started smoking that all ceased. I never get
>>"bad" allergies anymore.
>>I suppose the smoke is keeping my system distracted.<G>

>I don't think I want to try it.

Not something I'd recommend, but I do find it an oddity.
I wonder if what I experienced is very common at all?

>And FWIW, like Julia, different types of smoke do cause different levels of
>reaction.  Like her, pipe smoke doesn't bother me as much as cigarette
>smoke.  And I suppose it is indeed possible that different brands of
>cigarettes do cause different levels of irritation:  generally when those
>symptoms start, all I can think about is getting out of there to some fresh
>air, not asking the smoker(s) what brand they are smoking

That is perfectly understandable. I *know* some people have allergic
reactions to tobacco. I accept it as factual.
I just wonder that the growing prevalence of seemingly similar attitudes is
not so much a symptom of the growth of allergies across the population as it
is the spread of a powerful meme.
In either case, something has changed greatly over 40 years or so.

>. . . especially
>because sometimes¹ when you tell someone that their smoke is making >you
>ill, their response is to take a big draw on the cigarette and then blow
>that smoke directly in your face . . .

That is just plain crappy.
There is no excuse for flaunting a disrespect for others in such a blatant
One does not have to like it, that their liberties are moderated for the
sake of another's liberty, but that is what is necessary to preserve liberty
in the main.

Limits Maru


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