At 12:28 PM 12/21/2003, you wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronn!Blankenship" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 2:36 AM
Subject: Re: Scouted: Environmentalism is Evil and Must Be Destroyed

> It takes a lot less time than that for me to become ill from it.  Even
> being in a room where people have been smoking can do it.

*Note: Not a defense of smoking*
[You may now return to the discussion which is already in progress]

Do any of you who get "ill" (Not sarcastic quote marks, I use them to mark
the difference between actual sickness and the kind of illness I am
around tobacco smoke get ill around other types of smoke?


I have a reaction to certain chemicals. My liver was damaged when I was a kid.* When I was unemployed I contracted with a placement agency. My first job was with a company that made inks. I had to make samples and run various tests. I loved the job, the owner had a nice daughter who was my age and very smart, but by the end of week three I was coughing and felt awful. The owner even said he was going to hire me full time but I had to quit. Around paint, gasoline, perfume and similar I have bad reactions.*

Cigs can annoy me. People who sit them in an ashtray and let them burn down to the filter are the worst. Being around a campfire when you get a face full of smoke, no normal person can handle that. But I've been a bartender, our camp has an open fireplace so I can be in the environment and not get sick. Many times (like today) I cannot believe how bad my clothes smell the next day after being in a bar. But I don't have a reaction like I do around chemicals.

Smell is a strong sense and tied into a lot of memories and emotions. I would agree that some people (no one here of course!) are only reacting to the idea of smoke, not having an actual physical reaction.

*I cannot remember now if I reacted as badly to perfume before I was hurt as after. Perfume was the first thing I noticed. I only get sick when it's a heavy does. I can pump gasoline, get it on my hands. But just a month ago my boss was siphoning gas out of his truck, and my stomach turned over quickly. I didn't know he was doing it, the smell came into the store and I was sick.

Kevin T. - VRWC
back to the bars, go san fran!


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