> It is time someone asked. What our government did to Maher Arar is worse
> than anything the British did to our Colonial forefathers. It was worse
> than anything J. Edgar Hoover did to alleged Communists, civil rights
> workers and anti-war activists during his long program of dirty tricks.

Wasting your time. There is not a single right-wing fanatic on this list (or 
in dittoland) who will give a damn about what we did to this poor bastard. 
It's far too easy to scream "war against terror" to justify anything they want to 
do or cover up. The fact that Bush and Ashcroft between them are in the 
process of jettisoning much of what makes America WORTH defending in the first 
place is completely lost on Rush and his hateful, hate-filled clones. This is why 
Dubya is the worst president we've ever had, and John Ashcroft is by far the 
worst Attorney-General (by such a far margin that he makes Edwin Meese and John 
Mitchell look almost acceptable by comparison). 

I know this sounds inflammatory and I don't care. I don't see how anyone can 
defend men who can perpetrate such an outrageous injustice. There is nothing 
that justifies this, nothing at all. If we can't defeat our enemies by any 
other means than by becoming them, then we don't deserve to win. This guy did 
nothing and they treated him like he personally guided the planes into the Twin 
Towers by wire. George Bush and John Ashcroft are the worst kind of scum - men 
who hide despicable actions behind airy, lofty motives. They don't even have 
the guts to admit their villainy. 

Tom Beck


"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last." - Dr Jerry Pournelle

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