At 06:34 PM 1/11/2004, you wrote:
Kevin wrote:

Responding to another list member's ghost post with "hateful, hate filled clones": too upset to come up with more adjectives? I'd say you and your lot are the ones filled with hate and madness. I'm happy even with pipes in my kitchen frozen, the cable being out, my cat being sick and numerous (very minor) health problems of my own.

Would you be happy to be deported, confined in a tiny cell and tortured for what amounts to a hint of a rumor?

Dwell in your hatred, just don't let it consume you.

He wasn't dwelling in his hatred, he was referring to the hatred expressed by the Bush administration by taking these extreme, fascist, racist measures. He's asking if we all think it's OK to combat people like bin Laden and Hussain by becoming more like them. What do you think? Do we just avert our eyes?

Who hopes both you and your cat are better soon, the pipes aren't broken and you've got a good movie or two you can watch while the cable's out. 8^)

For myself I'll only get better when I die. (Not saying I believe in life after death, just the release from ills and pain part; and I don't expect that to happen for another 60 years. I have no major problems, just the little ones that can't get better.) The cat, I don't know. He's 14 at least (shelter rescue). I started giving him Iam's diet food. He has lost a lot of weight but now seems to be having hair-ball problems. I'm used to cats throwing up, but this one never had before this. I don't want to give details, just not fun.

My pipes unfroze about an hour ago. They freeze every year and have not burst. It's just poor house design. The kitchen is on the back porch. Only the attic has insulation; the pipes run right to an outside wall then up, right above the outside basement door so lots of cold areas. Last summer I rewrapped the heat tape but still doesn't help on 5 F nights. Friday night they were free, but I should have run the hot water until hot water came out. I won't let it drip overnight, it does not help.

And the cable got fixed today. I knew what the problem was and it took the guy five minutes. Where the cable comes down, outside between my house and the next, the cable end was bad and every time the neighbors took their garbage out or the kids running there, it got knocked loose. On Thursday, while I was home, it went out and I heard the neighbors. I came out to ask them to please watch the cable, but they were already in their car and gone. I went to put it back in but the internal cable had broken. Now, I know how to fix it, I was a TV repairman for three years. But for the amount of money Comcast charges, that I had called them twice already about it, and other BS I decided to call them again. Plus I have satellite and was working during Saturday's football games so no biggy.

Now: I'm watching my attempt of making Cordon Blue go horribly wrong. And a woman I've been talking with for two months just stopped communicating, no reason just a "I do not wish to pursue this anymore" message; I got it 20 minutes ago.

Kevin T.
Suddenly tired


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