In a message dated 1/16/2004 3:04:47 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 

> > The book cannot be nothing other than a success.
>  Thereby pissing off all the septs of Jijo.  In terms of GIM legal action 
>  point is moot, but the Hoon will NOT be amused when Alvin besmirches their 
>  reputation for excellent galactic citizenship.

Gillian's report would be enough to do that.

First: A year after Streaker gets back to Earth, the book hasn't been 
published. That fact can't be changed. So I worked with it. It took almost a full 
year or argument, mostly in secret, to get a judgement from the Galactic 
Institutes that no action whatsoever will be taken against any race involved with 
anything that took place on Jijo. The point is mute. No one can go back to Jijo to 
clean up anything.

Only then can the book be printed.

And Alvin doesn't care much for standard hoon behavior patterns. But he's 
much more respectful of them than either Huck or Mudfoot. The former teaching 
classes and the latter hacking into the Hurumphta press network.

>  On the otherhand, if the book were published Alvin might enjoy J. K. 
>  like income.  This would make revenue from his yachting business trival, 
>  you wouldn't need your 42 major Hoon colonies.

Ten's good enough. 42 was a don't panic reaction.

And the first lodge to be built using his book's royalties will have all
qheuen carving. Civilized qheuen never ever though of earning income and 
status by becoming artists.

>  If he has JK Rowling's wealth why purchase the stuff on Garth.  I thought 
> the 
>  Humans were planning to keep the Uplift stuff on Garth.  They will be 
> needing 
>  it alot in the next few millenia.  Besides, wouldn't the Guthasa and Hoon 
>  already have their own Uplift paraphernalia?

Balance of trade. This way Alvin doesn't take away any cash from Earthclan.
With compound interest factors, holding onto it for a few millenia would be a
big net loss.

> Also, it would make more sense to have a cloak-n-dagger novel wherein Alvin 
>  and friends pervert a planned Rousit uplift ceremony to make them pick, 
>  the Tymbrimi as patrons.

The exact opposite in every way. The Rousit haven't even been given speech 
They do not technically qualify for their first Uplift Cerimony. They do not 
have the right to change patrons. But cohorts are an entirely different 

Mudfoot is the cloak and dagger. The Tymbrimi are currently banned from 
making contact with the Rousit on Hurumphta, who are all rejects to uplift as their 
sense of humor is stronger than the rousit of the more civilized hoon 
planets. ---which is being BRED OUT.

(Hurumphta, at only 1000 years old is the youngest hoon colony planet.)

The point of Alvin paying for what the hoon's in power don't want is that by 
law, an Uplift Ceremony is the only time and place when all races must be 
allowed to observe.

...and the Tymbrimi can become the Rousit's new cohort. (Along with the 
Forski--but that's another long story.)

> > We know that it'll be Huck that is the one that does the most to
>  > change hoon thinking. It is written:  Huck'll bury hoon dogma.
>  It is?

It's too good of a pun to ignore. If our good Dr. Brin didn't plan it from 
the start,
then it beats the record of no one at first recognizing that RU-486 was a bad 

(Are you for 86ing the fetus?)

>  Is DB having you read his drafts?

Not yet. :-)    

I did get to read his new Martians are all Libertarians story.

Some guesses have proven to be wrong.

And Dr. Brin says that he's got a better way to have Gillian finally get to 
Tom than
my idea of having them meet at the Uplift Ceremony. But he did offer to 
'give' me a different crew member. I thought that was interesting. :-) to infinity.

But all you have to do is read the novels to logically guess where Tom was 
hiding out for over a year,and that a Tandu War is in the future, and that it'd 
be the most logical way to end a siege of Earth.

You can even figure out how the Tandu are defeated.

...but not from going to the Library.

William Taylor

Dr. Brin even asked me if he had ever emailed me any details.......Nope.


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