On Friday 2004-01-16 18:36, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 1/16/2004 5:17:04 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
> > Unfortunately, the legal aspect is only half the problem with Alvin's
> > book.
> >
> >  The bigger and more intractable problem would be PR.
> >
> >  -- Jophur and the like would have strongly *suspected* Humans of
> > founding sooner colonies.  Given Human Clans psycho-historical prospects
> > Humans
> would
> >  be idiots not to get themselves some colonies.  Alvin gives the Jophur
> proof.
> Mute point. The Rothen sold them the proof over a year ago.

They did?  The problem with intelligence sold by the Rothen is that its not 
usually exactly the sort of thing you can go public with.

> >  -- Tytlal and Tymbrimi have the same motives as Humans.  Now the
> > Galactics need to check every Noor population to make certain it isn't
> > providing
> cover
> >  for a Tytlal crypto-colony.
> Noor exist elsewhere than Jijo?

I have a distinct recollection that somewhere in the Jijo trilogy we are told 
that Noor are a common pest throughout known space.  Many had looked at 
uplifting them before the Tymbrimi but decided that Noor were just 
intractable genetic material. 

> >  -- Traeki aren't Jophur so they won't be labled a race of sooner
> scofflaws.
> >  But if there is one Traeki colony there might be more.  Jophur are not
> > the sort who forgive those who bear bad news.  They will hold Hoon
> collectively
> >  responsible because they let Alvin publish his book.
> There's been a g'Kek living openly on Hurumphta for a year. How could it
> get worse?

I had assumed that she was hardly living openly.  Huck would be a s-e-c-r-e-t.

> >  -- Glavers, who one surmises are not extinct or retired, will not be
> amused
> >  about having their plot discovered, even if they are doubly protected
> > from GIM prosecution.
> Glavers exist outside of Jijo and Galaxy Four?

It depends.  My impression from the Jijo trilogy was that the Glaver colony on 
Jijo had to devolve to pay off a pending Glaver debt.  Meanwhile, Glavers 
remained Galactic citizens approaching Elder status.  The Agents Handbook 
(which I try to avoid using as a source) says that Glavers suddenly went 
missing from Galactic society about 1000 years ago, though that's not too 

> >  -- G'kek are extinct, or so everyone thought.  So do they have other
> sooner
> >  colonies?  If Alvin, that G'kek lover, came back from Jijo did the
> > playboy bring any of those so-and-so Glavers with him?
> I don't think so. If any were left over from the Hydro incedent, they
> stayed on Streaker. They certainly weren't on Kazkark.

Sorry, make that:
If Alvin, that G'kek lover, came back from Jijo did the playboy bring any of 
those so-and-so g'Kek with him?

> >  What will do Obeyors do
> > about
> >  that?
> Wonder why the Library lied to them?

> >  -- Queuens will be embarased when a Hoon reveals their species commited
> > an act
> >  of fallow infestation.
> But take Alvin's money for their artwork/architecture.

Darn tootin'.  Business is business.

> >  -- Urs will be embarased when a Hoon reveals their species commited an
> > act of
> >  fallow infestation.  Worse, Urs would already have been suspected as a
> >  species very prone to soonerism because they are so driven to
> > reproduction.
> Yup. Everyone is at fault. But remember, both the Rothen and the Jophur
> communicated all of this back to the other four galaxies. Nothing in
> Alvin's journal is going to give the Civilization of the Four Galaxies any
> new information.

I doubt the Rothen blabed this back to Civilization.  The last thing they want 
is someone discovering their gene-raiding activities.  That might even lead 
to Institute detectives taking this Rothen problem seriously.  Criminal races 
DO NOT want publicity.  Any info they provide would also be suspect.

You might be onto something with the Jophur.  I can't remember if any made it 
back to Civilization with info about Jijo.  I think Brin arranged it so they 

> >  -- Hoon will be in tripple jeoprody if Alvin publishes.  First they will
> be
> >  embarassed by clear evidence that Hoon committed an act of fallow
> >  infestation.
> Which the Rothen and Jophur already know.

Rothen reports can be denied.  I am not convinced the Jophur do know.

> >  Second, the Hoon reputation for being impeccable, responsible
> >  Galactic Citizens of the higest probity will be seriously damaged.
> And Mudfoot is on a constant campaign to do even more damage.
> Alvin just wants to go on sailing.


> >  Accountants do NOT like having their reputation for integrity impeached.
> But they do like the idea that no GI is going to set any punishments.
> >  Think Arthur Anderson....
> Think Arthur Treacher. The fish are already in the fryer. No need to stick
> your hand/claw/tenticle/prehensile penis into the vat to try and pull out
> the pieces.
> > Third, the Galactics practice collective
> >  responsibility.  None of the embarased races will be happy that a Hoon
> >  besimirched their individual reputations.
> A book, written by a hoon, only adds corroborative detail to what's been
> bandying about in not so secret secret for a year.

I think it would add substansive details to what had been deniable rumors.

> The only solution that the Institutes couldd come up with--to prevent open
> and extensive warfare--was to give up and say nobody can be held
> accountable for anything.

So what?  The problem isn't accountability.  The problem is public relations.

> > They will be mad at the Hoon, not
> >
> >  just Alvin.  Moreover, the Obeyor--and especially the Jophur--will
> > insist
> in
> >  no uncertain terms that the Hoon unequivocally demonstrate that they are
> >  harboring no G'Kek survivors.
> Too late. By our good Dr.'s own words, Huck has said, "Bring them on."

She did?  Ok, that's in character for Huck--impulsive bravado.

> Alvin might make as much $ as Rowling but he
> >  will get to live like Rushdie--assuming the Hoon don't execute him
> >  themselves.
> Which hoon. The old guard, or the ever increasing base of those who have
> gone sailing?

Damn straight the old guard.  If the kids are *all* out sailing the 
responsible grown-ups will have all the power.

> Huck's the politico; Alvin just wants to go sailing.
> Damn but all of these are good questions.
> And I'm not the only one who should be trying to answer them.
> Dr. Brin is the one who repeatedly said, in print, that the book was going
> to be published.
> I'm not going to try to contradict that statement.
> It has to be worked with.
> And silly and strange though some of the workings are, it does work.
> ...at least on the surface.
> ;-)
> William Taylor
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