On Friday 2004-01-16 09:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 1/16/2004 3:04:47 AM US Mountain Standard Time,
> > > The book cannot be nothing other than a success.
> >
> >  Thereby pissing off all the septs of Jijo.  In terms of GIM legal action
> the
> >  point is moot, but the Hoon will NOT be amused when Alvin besmirches
> > their reputation for excellent galactic citizenship.
> Gillian's report would be enough to do that.
> First: A year after Streaker gets back to Earth, the book hasn't been
> published. That fact can't be changed. So I worked with it. It took almost
> a full year or argument, mostly in secret, to get a judgement from the
> Galactic Institutes that no action whatsoever will be taken against any
> race involved with anything that took place on Jijo. The point is mute. No
> one can go back to Jijo to clean up anything.
> Only then can the book be printed.
> And Alvin doesn't care much for standard hoon behavior patterns. But he's
> much more respectful of them than either Huck or Mudfoot. The former
> teaching classes and the latter hacking into the Hurumphta press network.

Unfortunately, the legal aspect is only half the problem with Alvin's book.  
The bigger and more intractable problem would be PR.  

-- Jophur and the like would have strongly *suspected* Humans of founding 
sooner colonies.  Given Human Clans psycho-historical prospects Humans would 
be idiots not to get themselves some colonies.  Alvin gives the Jophur proof.

-- Tytlal and Tymbrimi have the same motives as Humans.  Now the Galactics 
need to check every Noor population to make certain it isn't providing cover 
for a Tytlal crypto-colony.

-- Traeki aren't Jophur so they won't be labled a race of sooner scofflaws.  
But if there is one Traeki colony there might be more.  Jophur are not the 
sort who forgive those who bear bad news.  They will hold Hoon collectively 
responsible because they let Alvin publish his book.

-- Glavers, who one surmises are not extinct or retired, will not be amused 
about having their plot discovered, even if they are doubly protected from 
GIM prosecution.

-- G'kek are extinct, or so everyone thought.  So do they have other sooner 
colonies?  If Alvin, that G'kek lover, came back from Jijo did the playboy 
bring any of those so-and-so Glavers with him?  What will do Obeyors do about 

-- Queuens will be embarased when a Hoon reveals their species commited an act 
of fallow infestation.

-- Urs will be embarased when a Hoon reveals their species commited an act of 
fallow infestation.  Worse, Urs would already have been suspected as a 
species very prone to soonerism because they are so driven to reproduction.

-- Hoon will be in tripple jeoprody if Alvin publishes.  First they will be 
embarassed by clear evidence that Hoon committed an act of fallow 
infestation.  Second, the Hoon reputation for being impeccable, responsible 
Galactic Citizens of the higest probity will be seriously damaged.  
Accountants do NOT like having their reputation for integrity impeached.  
Think Arthur Anderson....  Third, the Galactics practice collective 
responsibility.  None of the embarased races will be happy that a Hoon 
besimirched their individual reputations.  They will be mad at the Hoon, not 
just Alvin.  Moreover, the Obeyor--and especially the Jophur--will insist in 
no uncertain terms that the Hoon unequivocally demonstrate that they are 
harboring no G'Kek survivors.  Alvin might make as much $ as Rowling but he 
will get to live like Rushdie--assuming the Hoon don't execute him 


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